Traffic Approval Number
14695 15-04-2019
Description of Formulation
Insecticide with selective action on lepidopteran larvae.
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain PB-54 16% b/b equivalent to 32000 IU/mg or 8,14 x 1011 CFU/kg
Wet powder (WP)
It works by ingestion, after which the larvae stop feeding and die in a few days.
Bottle : 1lt, Containers : 5 lt, 20 lt
- Spray as soon as the young larvae emerge and the first damage is observed and repeat at intervals to keep the population low.
- A good washing of the entire leaf surface is needed because the larvae have to swallow the preparation.
- Applications should be made during the cool hours of the day to avoid high UV radiation.
- Do not spray if rain is expected. If it rains within 24 hours after spraying, then it must be repeated.
- The range of doses depends on the stage of plant growth and the intensity of the infestation.
- The use of the product may be included in integrated control programmes.
- Follow the recommendations of the Agricultural Warnings where applicable.
It is not phytotoxic in the crops listed in the spectrum of activity and for the recommended application rates.
Objective: Flowering moth (Prays citri - PRAYCI) - Leafhoppers (Cacoecia rosana - CACORO) - Other larvae of moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Follow the recommendations in the agricultural warnings. If none are available, one spray is recommended at the beginning of flowering and a second if necessary after 7-14 days.
PHI: May be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2/7-14
Objective: Carpocaps (Cydia pomonella - CARPPO) - Leafhoppers (Archips rosanus - CACORO, Archips podanus - CACOPO) - Hyponomeuta padellus - HYPNPA, Hyponomeuta malinella - HYPNMA) - Other lepidopteran larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Apply at emergence of young larvae of each generation as determined by agricultural warnings or by the grower using pheromone population detection traps.
PHI: May be used up to and including the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Season: 2/7-14
Target: Codling moth (Cydia pomonella - CARPPO) - Leafrollers (Archips rosanus CACORO, Archips podanus CACOPO) - Apple ermine moth (Hyponomeuta malinella - HYPNMA) - Lackey moth (Malacosoma neustria - MALANE) - Other lepidopteran larvae
Dose per hectare: 50 – 100 g/ha
Application Timing: Apply upon the emergence of young larvae of each generation as determined by agricultural warnings or by the grower using pheromone traps for population detection.
PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval): Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2 applications, spaced 7-14 days apart.
Target: Oriental fruit moth (Carpocapsa/Cydia molesta - LASPMO), Peach twig borer (Anarsia lineatella - ANARLI), Leafrollers (Archips rosanus - CACORO, A. podanus - CACOPO), Apple ermine moth (Hyponomeuta malinella - HYPNMA), Other lepidopteran larvae.
Dose per hectare: 50 – 100 g/ha
Application Timing: Apply upon the emergence of young larvae of each generation as determined by agricultural warnings or by the grower using pheromone traps for population detection.
PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval): Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2 applications, spaced 7-14 days apart.
Target: Olive moth (flower generation) (Prays oleae - PRAYOL), Other lepidopteran larvae.
Dose per hectare: 50 – 100 g/ha
Application Timing: Sprays should follow the recommendations of local agricultural warnings. If none are available, it is recommended to spray when 5-25% of the flowers have opened and repeat the application after 7-14 days if there is a high insect population.
PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval): Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2 applications, spaced 7-14 days apart.
Target: Argyrotaenia pulchellana – ARGTPU, Other lepidopteran larvae.
Dose per hectare: 50 – 100 g/ha
Application Timing: Spray as soon as young larvae appear. Repeat the application after 7-14 days if there is a high insect population.
PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval): Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2 applications, spaced 7-14 days apart.
Target: eudermis (Lobesia botrana - POLYBO) -Gill (Eupoecilia ambiguella - CLYSAM) -Other larvae of Lepidoptera
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Sprays to follow the recommendations of local agricultural warnings. If not available, sprays are recommended in the phenological areas:
(a) just before flowering
(b) at the time of flower pollination
(c) when the rails are the size of a pea
(d) when the rails change colour.
PHI: can be used up to the day of harvest
Max Applications per Period: 3/7-14
Target: Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) Moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) Lepidoptera (Plusia spp. - PLUSSP) -Like moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period: 2/7-14
Target: Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) Plusia spp. (PLUSSP) Moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) Tuta absoluta - GNORAB -Like moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) - Plusia spp. (PLUSSP) - Moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) - Other Lepidoptera larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) Lepidoptera (Plusia spp. - PLUSSP) -Other larvae of Lepidoptera
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: Pieris brassicae (Pieris brassicae - PIERBR) - Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) - Plusia spp. (PLUSSP) Moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) - Plutella (Plutella xylostella - PLUTMA) - Other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: Moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) -Lush (Plusia spp. - PLUSSP) Greenworm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) Leafminer larvae (Mamestra spp. - MAMESP Plutella maculipennis - PLUTMA , Acrolepia assectella ACROAS) -Other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) , Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) - Plusia spp. (PLUSSP) - Other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) , Green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) - Plusia spp. (PLUSSP) - Other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: moths (Spodoptera spp. - SPODSP) - green worm (Helicoverpa spp. - HELVSP) - greenfly (Plusia spp. - PLUSSP) - leafminer larvae (Mamestra spp. - MAMESP Plutella maculipennis - PLUTMA , Acrolepia assectella ACROAS) - other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: foliar larvae (Mamestra spp - MAMESP Plutella maculipennis - PLUTMA, Acrolepia assectella ACROAS) -Other lepidopteran larvae.
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: One spray is recommended at the emergence of young larvae and a second if the insect population is large, after 7-10 days.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: green worm (Helicoverpa armigera HELIAR) - Pomegranate worm (Pectinophora gossypiella - PECTGO) -Other larvae of Lepidoptera
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application time: Follow the recommendations in the agricultural warnings. Recommendations: Follow the recommendations in the recommendations of the guidelines.
PHI: May be used up to and including the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 2/7-14
Target: green worm (Ostrinia nubilalis - PYRUNU) green worm (Heliothis armigera - HELIAR) Sesamia nonagrioides (Sesamia nonagrioides , SESANO Sesamia cretica SESACR) -Other moth larvae
Dose/acre: 20-50 g/ha
Application time: One spray is recommended at the emergence of young larvae and a second if the insect population is large, after 7-10 days.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 2/7-14
Target: green worm (Helicoverpa armigera - HELIAR) -Other larvae of moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Target: leaf-eating larvae of moth larvae
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
Application Time: Spray as soon as young larvae emerge. Repeat application after 7-14 days if there is a large insect population.
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Objective - Time of application : 1.Leaf-eating larvae of Lepidoptera: -Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Thaumetopoea pityocampa - THAUPI).
2.Lymandria dispar (Lymandria dispar - LYMADI) - foliar spraying in April/May.
3.-Hyphantria cunea (HYPHCU) Malacosoma (Malacosoma spp - MALASP)-Foliar spray in May/June
Dose/acre: 50 - 100 g/ha
PHI: Can be used up to the day of harvest.
Max Applications per Period : 3/7-14
Objective - Timeframe for implementation: Ephestia elutella (Ephestia elutella - EPHEEL) Spraying of the internal surfaces of the empty warehouse
Dose/acre: 50 g/ha
Application time: Applications at the appearance of infestations and up to the beginning of flowering
BBCH 10 - 59
PHI: Determined by time of application (up to the beginning of flowering)
Max Applications per Period : 2/14