Traffic Approval Number
2247/61578 (4.05.2023)
Description of Formulation
Broad spectrum pyrethrin insecticide.
Lambda Cyhalothrin 10 % β/ο
Microcapsule suspension (CS)
It acts on the nervous system of insects by blocking the closure of Na+ channels in the neural axons of nerve cells. This results in a continuous neuromuscular message transfer, which leads to hyperstimulation, paralysis and death of the insects.
Bottle 1 lt
1) Follow the instructions in the Agricultural Warnings where applicable.
2) Observations on the treatment of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus:
- The use of the product will be carried out exclusively in the framework of the application of the Decision
Commission Decision 2007/365/EC, as amended. Competent authorities for the implementation of this
Decision are the Directorates of Agricultural Economy and Veterinary Services (DAKO) of the relevant
Regional Units concerned.
- The Municipalities, the Municipalities and the managers of the spraying crews,
shall be required to notify in good time the beekeepers in the area where the survey is to be carried out
application of the preparation to palm trees, by all appropriate means
- Do not apply the preparation during the flowering of the palms, otherwise
cut the flowers 2 days before application.
Do not apply if there is a large amount of hives in the area
application area.
- If the use of pheromone traps is required, this should only be done in coordination with
the competent local authorities.
- Responsible in relation to failures with regard to the efficacy or phytotoxicity of the
product for minor use, is the person who uses the product
plant protection product.
The approved Good Agricultural Practice (GEP) form is presented in Annex II to this Decision.
It is not phytotoxic at the proposed crops and application rates.
Objective: i) Carpocapture ,ii) Afons
Dose/acre: 10 c.c.
Implementation Time: Spraying with the appearance of infestation
PHI: 7
Max Applications per Period: 1-2/14 days
Objective: Nucleotide
Dose/acre: 7,5 cc
Implementation Time: Spraying at the beginning of egg deposition
PHI: 120
Max Applications per Period: 1-2/14 days
Objective: Eudemida (Lobesia botrana - POLYBO) -Butterfly
Dose/acre: - 17.5 cm - 7.5 cm
Implementation Time: Spray at the appearance of the infestation.
PHI: Not defined
Max Applications per Period: 1-2/14 days 1-2/14 days
Objective: Green worm (Helicoverpa spp - HELVSP) - Mealworm - Agrotoxin
Dose/acre: 25 cc - 20 cc - 7.5 cc
Implementation Time:
i), ii) Spraying when the population starts and increases to a problem level.
iii) Universal spraying on the ground, before the beginning of the infestation
PHI: 3
Max Applications per Period : One application per pest and a maximum of 2 (two) applications per growing season
Objective: Aleurodes
Dose/acre: 20 c.c.
Implementation Time: Spraying with the appearance of infestation
PHI: 3
Max Applications per Period: 1-2/14 days
Objective: i) Pierrida, Mamestra, ,ii) Aleurodes, iii)Agriculturist
Dose/acre: i) 7.5 cc, ii) 20 c.c, iii) 7,5 cc
Implementation Time: i), ii) Spraying with the appearance of infestation iii) Universal spraying on the ground, before the beginning of the infestation
PHI: 7
Max Applications per Period : i), ii) 1-2/14 days, iii) 1 day
Objective: Aleurodes
Dose/acre: 20 c.c.
Implementation Time: Spray at the appearance of the infestation.
PHI: 7
Max Applications per Period : 1
Target: i) Satellite, ii)Agriculturist
Dose/acre: i) 10 c.c. ii) 7.5 cc
Implementation Time: i) Spray at the appearance of the infestation. ii) Universal spraying on the ground before the beginning of the infestation
PHI: 7
Max Applications per Period : i) 1-2/14 days, ii) 1 day
Objective: Afons
Dose/acre: 7.5 cc
Implementation Time: Spray at the appearance of the infestation.
PHI: 28
Max Applications per Period : 1
Objective: i) Pyramid, ii) Agriculturist
Dose/acre: i) 20 c.c. ii) 7.5 cc
Implementation Time: i) Spray at the appearance of the infestation. ii) Universal spraying on the ground before the beginning of the infestation
PHI: 60
Max Applications per Period : 1
Objective: Afons
Dose/acre: 15 c.c.
Implementation Time: Spraying with the appearance of infestation
PHI: 7
Max Applications per Period : 1
Objective: Red palm weevil beetle
Dose/acre: 8-15 c.c.
Implementation Time:
- Spraying cover from the crown to protect palm trees from insect infestations.
- Cover spraying to limit the spread of the infestation on the cut plant, the cut pieces and the area around the cutting site during the cutting process.
- In the conservation area of susceptible plants (nurseries): in case of suspected infestation in the site or in the surrounding area, preventive application by cover spraying of the plants (in nurseries the palms are of low height and cover spraying can be applied).
PHI: -
Max Applications per Period : 2